Saturday night was the first decent night for over a week, and Staveley NR was the site of choice. As mentioned before, it is quite a long trek there with all the equipment, and I have to enlist the assistance of Emily's stable don't think I would choose one of that colour, surely? It is embarrassing enough strapping it to the roof of the car, and thankfully I have not met that many people at Staveley. The barrow has to take a generator, a Robinson trap, a Gladiator trap, sleeping bag, books, tripod, sheets, two reels of cable etc., and there is a fine art in getting it all on without losing any on the way.
So, on to the nights results. It was a balmy +14, and the 98% moon was hidden for much of the night by high cloud. It is that time of the year when summer species are on the decline, and a little early for the autumnal ones. However, it paid off, with at least three new species for me, and a micro awaiting confirmation from Charlie. Of c.350 moths of just over 70 species, the new ones were Water Veneer Acentria ephemerella, Brown-veined Wainscot Archanara dissoluta and Silky Wainscot Chilodes maritimus.
Water Veneer |
Brown-veined Wainscot |
Silky Wainscot |
The other highlights were a Pale Eggar, several Bulrush Wainscot, and a Fen Wainscot, and a couple more each of Double Lobed and Crescent which I only had for the first time on the previous visit..
Pale Eggar |
Not a bad night after all, and I think I got the wheelbarrow back to the yard before too many people saw me.....
Nice moths, awful barrow.