At last a couple of days off, the first for weeks. The night of Friday 11th July looked the better of the next two nights so set up a couple of traps at Hag Wood, near Kilburn, my first visit there for 2 years. As ever the site proved interesting a several moths caught were new for the site, indeed, two were new for me, one (1170 Gypsonoma oppressana) probably new for VC62 and the other (1216 Cherry-bark Moth Enarmonia formosana and not 1245 Grapholita janthinana as originally thought) only a handful of sites in VC62. In addition and perhaps most frustratingly I had a small pale Aethes with two parallel oblique brown stripes, considered to be 0951 Aethes beatricella but considering how scarce it is in Yorkshire and with no VC62 records I failed to pot it and take a that will not get past Charlie I'm sure.
I will be honest in that with so few mothing events over last 12 months or more I found myself to be very rusty, and a little overwhelmed with the micros, along with a shortage of pots! Many were common species and it was only those that looked interesting which were potted along with single specimens of the commoner species. The grey tortrix complex were ignored as were several Coleophora and other difficult species. It still turned out to be a good night....
0946 Aethes rubigana |
1111 Bactra lancealana |
1170 Gypsonoma oppressana |
1200 Eucosma hohenwartiana |
1216 Cherry-bark Moth Enarmonia formosana |
1762 Dark Marbled Carpet |
1947 Engrailed/Small Engrailed agg. |