A funny old week, with visits at different times daily to Allerton Park to look at the gulls. On Monday 12th, reasonably close views of an adult Iceland Gull, but little else of note.
Iceland Gull, adult. |
Iceland Gull, adult in flight |
Iceland Gull, in flight |
On Tuesday 13th, no white-winged gulls, but a fine dark large adult Herring Gull, standing out from the nearby paler argenteus gulls. The long legs were noticeably pale pink, and the shade of grey was consistently darker than the other gulls when viewed from different angles.
Herring Gull L. argenteus (left) and argentatus (right) |
Wednesday was the first blank day at Allerton, with no species of any interest. I spent a couple of hours walking around Pilmoor, looking for Orange Underwing, but the only lep of note was an orange butterfly hurtling by, probably a Comma. The cool breeze took the edge off the Spring sunshine, and a flock of c.50 Fieldfares chacking overhead was a reminder that it was still early yet.
Thursday saw a 1st-winter and two adult Iceland Gulls at Allerton Park.
Iceland Gull, two adults, foreground left and fifth to the right of the front gulls. |
Common Buzzard |
Common Buzzard |
A brief excursion to the book fair at the Harrogate Showground on Friday morning, saw three Red Kite and a Buzzard soaring over the pavilions. A lunchtime visit to Allerton Park saw a repeat of the previous day with 1st-winter and two adult Iceland Gulls.
Saturday, a midday visit, with very few gulls present and at 1330, every single gull left! So after a blank day, on Sunday back to form with a 1st-winter, 2nd-winter and adult Iceland Gull at Allerton Park.